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  •   Beth commented on this post about 3 months ago
    I know I have not been on top of this, and I am going to try and post every month not every day. Every day just will not happen with my workload. We are going to shift into a Bible Reading Plan for now. So here is the month of April and I will...
    I know I have not been on top of this, and I am going to try and post every month not every day. Every day just will not happen with my workload. We are going to shift into a Bible Reading Plan for now. So here is the month of April and I will also be posting May to give me a head start! 🤗🧡

    April 1st
    JUDGES 3:31-6:40

    April 2nd
    JUDGES 7:1-9:21

    April 3rd
    JUDGES 9:22-11:28

    April 4th
    JUDGES 11:29-15:20

    April 5th
    JUDGES 16:1-18:31

    April 6th
    JUDGES 19:1-21:25

    April 7th
    RUTH 1:1-4:12

    April 8th
    RUTH 4:13-22
    1 CHRONICLES 2:9-55
    1 CHRONICLES 4:1-23
    1 SAMUEL 1:1-8

    April 9th
    1 SAMUEL 1:9-4:11

    April 10th
    1 SAMUEL 4:12-8:22

    April 11th
    1 SAMUEL 9:1-12:25

    April 12th
    1 CHRONICLES 9:35-39
    1 SAMUEL 13:1-5
    1 SAMUEL 13:19-23
    1 SAMUEL 13:6-18

    1 SAMUEL 14:1-52

    April 13th
    1 SAMUEL 15:1-17:31

    April 14th
    1 SAMUEL 17:32-19:17
    PSALM 59
    1 SAMUEL 19:18-24

    April 15th
    1 SAMUEL 20:1-21:15
    PSALM 34

    April 16th
    1 SAMUEL 22:1-2
    PSALM 57
    PSALM 142
    1 CHRONICLES 12:8-18
    1 SAMUEL 22:3-23
    PSALM 52
    1 SAMUEL 23:1-12

    April 17th
    1 SAMUEL 23:13-29
    PSALM 54
    1 SAMUEL 24:1-25:44

    April 18th
    1 SAMUEL 26:1-27:7
    1 CHRONICLES 12:1-7
    1 SAMUEL 27:8-29:11
    1 CHRONICLES 12:19
    PSALM 56

    April 19th
    1 SAMUEL 30:1-31
    1 CHRONICLES 12:20-22
    1 SAMUEL 31:1-13
    1 CHRONICLES 10:1-14
    1 CHRONICLES 9:40-44
    2 SAMUEL 4:4
    2 SAMUEL 1:1-27

    April 20th
    2 SAMUEL 2:1-3:5
    1 CHRONICLES 3:1-4
    2 SAMUEL 23:8-17
    1 CHRONICLES 11:10-19
    2 SAMUEL 23:18-39
    1 CHRONICLES 11:20-47

    April 21st
    2 SAMUEL 3:6-4:3
    2 SAMUEL 4:5-4:12

    April 22nd
    2 SAMUEL 5:1-3
    1 CHRONICLES 11:1-3
    1 CHRONICLES 12:23-40
    2 SAMUEL 5:17-25
    1 CHRONICLES 14:8-17
    2 SAMUEL 5:6-10
    1 CHRONICLES 11:4-9
    1 CHRONICLES 3:4
    2 SAMUEL 5:13
    2 SAMUEL 5:4-5
    2 SAMUEL 5:11-12
    1 CHRONICLES 14:1-2
    1 CHRONICLES 13:1-5
    2 SAMUEL 6:1-11
    1 CHRONICLES 13:6-14

    April 23rd
    2 SAMUEL 6:12
    1 CHRONICLES 15:1-28
    2 SAMUEL 6:12-16
    1 CHRONICLES 15:29
    2 SAMUEL 6:17-19
    1 CHRONICLES 16:1-43
    2 SAMUEL 6:19-23

    April 24th
    2 SAMUEL 7:1-17
    1 CHRONICLES 17:1-15
    2 SAMUEL 7:18-29
    1 CHRONICLES 17:16-27
    2 SAMUEL 8:1-14
    1 CHRONICLES 18:1-13
    PSALM 60

    April 25th
    2 SAMUEL 8:15-18
    1 CHRONICLES 18:14-17
    1 CHRONICLES 6:16-30
    1 CHRONICLES 6:50-53
    1 CHRONICLES 6:31-48
    2 SAMUEL 9:1-10:19
    1 CHRONICLES 19:1-19

    April 26th
    1 CHRONICLES 20:1
    2 SAMUEL 11:1-12:14
    PSALM 51
    2 SAMUEL 12:15-25
    2 SAMUEL 5:14-16
    1 CHRONICLES 14:3-7
    1 CHRONICLES 3:5-9

    April 27th
    2 SAMUEL 12:26-31
    1 CHRONICLES 20:2-3
    2 SAMUEL 13:1-14:33

    April 28th
    2 SAMUEL 15:1-17:14

    April 29th
    2 SAMUEL 17:15-29
    PSALM 3
    PSALM 63
    2 SAMUEL 18:1-19:30

    April 30th
    2 SAMUEL 19:31-20:26
    PSALM 7
    2 SAMUEL 21:1-22
    1 CHRONICLES 20:4-8
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