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  •   Graham commented on this post about 4 weeks ago
    "Trump vows to lead 'en age of America' in victory speech 'Fix everything' - This was, I believe, the greatest political movement of time. There has never been anything like this in this country, and maybe beyond. And now it is going to a new...
    "Trump vows to lead 'en age of America' in victory speech 'Fix everything' - This was, I believe, the greatest political movement of time. There has never been anything like this in this country, and maybe beyond. And now it is going to a new level of importance because we going to help country ... We are going to everything about our country, and we have made history for a reason tonight This will truly be the golden age of America."

    "Elon Musk declares 'Novus Ordo Seclorum,' hinting at a 'fantastic' future ahead - Novusdo Seclorum, Latin for 'a new order of the ages.'

    This took on fresh meaning when Elon Musk echoed the phrase following Donald Trump's 2024 presidential win, along with an image of him with Donald Trump. What will this 'new order' and 'golden age' look like? Well, we have seen America and the world being ruled by the 'democratic left' for a long time, pushing their 'globalist' agenda. But an uprising against the left has taken place over recent years and we have seen a large swing to the 'right not just in America, but worldwide. The democratic left has allowed America and the world to degrade such an immoral state, that many people are sick and tired of it and a return to decency and morality. That sounds good. But there is a great deception behind it.

    Satan is controlling "BOTH" sides to lead the world into his final deception.

    What does the 'religious right' want? They want America to be ruled by the Bible and the law of God, should I say, THEIR version of it. A poll conducted in 2020 showed that even four years ago, half of Americans said the Bible should influence US laws. That number more than likely is higher now. And if you take a look at recent news articles, you will see that both Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are seeking to give "the church" power to rule. Now while this may sound good and innocent to some, those of us with an understanding of Bible prophecy, know that this is a fulfillment of Revelation 13.

    "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:16-17).

    Trump has threatened several countries, what has he threatened them with if things are not done his way? Tariffs. Placing sanctions until they bend the knee. Are we at the mark of the beast yet? No, the world has to get to a point to where they trust those in charge, they are looking for a Savior. The Democratic party lost that, Satan needs the Lukewarm Christians in order for his plan to work.
    This nation is causing the whole world to take the mark of the first beast and also impose economic sanctions upon the world there is only one nation that will perform such a task, and that is America. No other fits this description of the second beast, America. What does America do according to Revelation 13?

    "And deceiveth them that dwell on the by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the; saying to them that dwell on the, that they make an to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. he had to give life unto the image of beast that the image of the beast both speak, and cause that as many would not worship the image of the beast should be killed." (velation 13:14-15).

    This brings us to Elon Musk, a powerful influential figure in technology in the world today, who literally owns space. Not to mention his venture into AI with Optimus. I will add more on Elon separately which Shannon brought to my attention.

    Let us not be deceived, by the "left" or "right" because things are not as blurred as they seem if you really put scripture to what is happening.
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  •   Menachem commented on this post about 4 weeks ago
    Power to Save
    (Ephesians 2:1-10)
    How can I experience God’s life-changing power?
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  •   Beth commented on this post about 1 month ago
    Jerry uploaded a new video
    We watched this last night after our studies. Seeing this visually helped many over here.
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  • Jerry uploaded a new video
    The Link Between Drones and End-Times Prophecy
    The Link Between Drones and End-Times Prophecy
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  • Jerry uploaded a new video
    Why Did Satan DESPERATELY FIGHT for the Body of Moses? The TRUTH Will SURPRISE You!
    Why Did the Devil Fight for the Body of the Prophet Moses?
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  • Detailed outline of the Book of Acts (of the Apostles)

    Peter and the Beginnings of the Church in the Holy Land (chs. 1–12)
    “Throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria” (1:1—9:31; see 9:31 and note)
    Introduction (1:1–2)
    Christ’s resurrection ministry...
    Detailed outline of the Book of Acts (of the Apostles)

    Peter and the Beginnings of the Church in the Holy Land (chs. 1–12)
    “Throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria” (1:1—9:31; see 9:31 and note)
    Introduction (1:1–2)
    Christ’s resurrection ministry (1:3–11)
    The period of waiting for the Holy Spirit (1:12–26)
    The filling with the Spirit (ch. 2)
    The healing of the lame man and the resultant arrest of Peter and John (3:1—4:31)
    The community of goods (4:32—5:11)
    The arrest of the 12 apostles (5:12–42)
    The choice of the Seven (6:1–7)
    Stephen’s arrest and martyrdom (6:8—7:60)
    The scattering of the Jerusalem believers (8:1–4)
    Philip’s ministry (8:5–40)
    In Samaria (8:5–25)
    To the Ethiopian eunuch (8:26–40)
    Saul’s conversion (9:1–31)
    “As far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch” (9:32—12:25; see 11:19 and note)
    Peter’s ministry on the Mediterranean coast (9:32—11:18)
    To Aeneas and Dorcas (9:32–43)
    To Cornelius (10:1—11:18)
    The new Gentile church in Antioch (11:19–30)
    Herod’s persecution of the church and his subsequent death (ch. 12)
    Paul and the Expansion of the Church from Antioch to Rome (chs. 13–28)
    “Throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia” (13:1—15:35; see 16:6 and note)
    Paul’s first missionary journey (chs. 13–14)
    The Jerusalem conference (15:1–35)
    “Over to Macedonia” (15:36—21:16; see 16:9 and note)
    Paul’s second missionary journey (15:36—18:22)
    Paul’s third missionary journey (18:23—21:16)
    “To Rome” (21:17—28:31; see 28:14 and note)
    Paul’s imprisonment in Jerusalem (21:17—23:35)
    Arrest (21:17—22:29)
    Trial before the Sanhedrin (22:30—23:11)
    Transfer to Caesarea (23:12–35)
    Paul’s imprisonment in Caesarea (chs. 24–26)
    Trial before Felix (ch. 24)
    Trial before Festus (25:1–12)
    Hearing before Festus and Agrippa (25:13—26:32)
    Voyage to Rome (27:1—28:15)
    Two years under house arrest in Rome (28:16–31)
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  •   Teoder commented on this post about 2 months ago
    Jerry uploaded a new video
    Part one of a 4-part series: what the Bible says about the unseen realm with Biblical scholar, Dr. Michael S. Heiser.
    Supernatural Seminar with Dr. Michael Heiser | Part One
    Part one of a 4-part series: what the Bible says about the unseen realm with Biblical scholar, Dr. Michael S. Heiser.
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  •   Amy Boyer commented on this post about 3 months ago
    “Be Angry and Sin Not” The Relationship between Anger and Sin

    We have been doing studies on anger. I feel that right now, this is the area we need to focus on.

    “Be Angry and Sin Not”

    I. Anger and Sin

    A. Acceptable Anger
    Psalm 7:11 – God is...
    “Be Angry and Sin Not” The Relationship between Anger and Sin

    We have been doing studies on anger. I feel that right now, this is the area we need to focus on.

    “Be Angry and Sin Not”

    I. Anger and Sin

    A. Acceptable Anger
    Psalm 7:11 – God is angry with the wicked daily.

    Exodus 11:4-8 – Moses spoke in anger in Egypt.

    Exodus 32:19-24 – Moses' anger burned when Israel worshiped the calf.

    Numbers 16:15 – Moses was very angry at rebellion.

    Mark 3:5 – Jesus was angry at the Jews' hard hearts.

    2 Corinthians 7:11 – Paul praised Corinth's indignation.

    Ephesians 4:26 – Be angry but do not sin.

    B. The Danger of Anger

    James 1:19,20 – Human wrath does not produce God's righteousness.

    Proverbs 14:17 – Quick-tempered people act foolishly.

    Anger can cause us to “blow up.”

    Proverbs 29:11,20 – A fool vents feelings; a wise man holds them back.

    Ephesians 4:31,32 – Put away anger linked to bitterness and malice.

    Genesis 4:4-8 – Cain's anger led to murder.

    Anger can cause us to “clam up.”

    Ephesians 4:31,32 – Put away anger, bitterness, and malice.

    Ephesians 4:26 – Do not let the sun go down on your wrath.

    James 1:19 – Be slow to wrath and slow to speak.

    Leviticus 19:17,18 – Love your neighbor and rebuke him.

    II. Controlling Anger
    Jesus was angry but did not sin (Heb.
    ​ 4:15).
    Ephesians 4:26 – Be angry and sin not.

    Proverbs 29:11 – A wise man holds back his feelings.

    Proverbs 16:32; 25:28 – Controlling your spirit is powerful.

    1 Corinthians 10:13 – No temptation is beyond our ability to handle.

    III. Principles to Control Anger

    A. Study Scriptures and Develop a Plan

    Psalms 119:105 – God's word guides us.

    Matthew 4:1-11 – Jesus used Scripture to resist temptation.

    B. Repent and Pray

    Acts 8:22 – Repent and pray for forgiveness.

    1 Peter 5:7 – Cast your cares on God.

    Luke 6:27,28 – Pray for those who mistreat you.

    C. Discuss with Other Christians

    James 5:16 – Confess and pray for one another.

    D. Avoid Hot-Tempered People

    Proverbs 22:24,25 – Avoid friendships with angry people.

    E. Think Before Speaking or Acting

    James 1:19 – Be slow to speak and slow to wrath.

    Proverbs 29:20 – Hasty words are foolish.

    Proverbs 15:28 – The righteous think before answering.

    Proverbs 15:1 – A soft answer turns away wrath.

    F. Solve the Problem

    Matthew 5:22-24 – Reconcile with those who upset you.

    Ephesians 4:26 – Don’t let the sun go down on your wrath.

    Ephesians 4:26,29 – Speak to edify and solve problems.

    G. Apologize to Those Hurt

    Matthew 5:23,24 – Seek reconciliation.

    Luke 17:3,4 – Apologize and seek forgiveness.
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  •   Hudson commented on this post about 4 months ago
    Shannon uploaded a new video
    THE FINAL GENERATION THAT SEES--Psalm 83, ISIS, Islam, Israel & God's Plan for the Future
    The Final Generation: Psalm 83, ISIS, Islamic Hatred of Israel & God’s Plan for the Future.
    Prophecy points us to Christ, the author of history and the theme of Scripture.
    God's Word is, at its very center, prophetic.
    The God who recorded the...
    The Final Generation: Psalm 83, ISIS, Islamic Hatred of Israel & God’s Plan for the Future.
    Prophecy points us to Christ, the author of history and the theme of Scripture.
    God's Word is, at its very center, prophetic.
    The God who recorded the beginning, which no one but Him witnessed in Genesis, is also the God who records the ending, which no one but Him could have ever written in Revelation.
    Isn’t it amazing that God devotes 1/4th or 25% of the Bible to the indivisible union that the world’s destiny has with God’s Chosen People of Promise, Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jews? Always remember:
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